How to Pay Traffic Challan Online With Mobile 2022: Friends, from 1st September 2019, the government of our country has implemented the New Motor Vehicle Act. After the implementation of this Act, now a provision has been made for heavy fines against those who break the rules.

The government has now installed cameras on the roads as well, now whoever tries to ignore or break the traffic rules, the cameras installed there will capture that person and his vehicle in the camera and immediately generate an automated e-challan. and will be sent to his mobile phone through message.
Friends, if for some reason just your Traffic Challan has been cut and you do not have information about How to Pay Traffic Challan Online With Mobile, then there is no need to panic. We have written this article so that you do not have any problem in submitting the Traffic Challan.
What is Traffic E-challan?
If you are going somewhere by bike or car for some reason you cannot reach the helmet or you cannot reach the bend Because of this, the police catches you and fines you, at that time you do not have money to give anything, then the police cut you the online challan, you have to deposit the money online, for this the government has also made an official website. Both the Central Government and the State Government have kept this facility.
Friends, there are many rules of e-challan, which you have to pay different fines for making different mistakes, friends, due to some reason left by you, your traffic police has made a challan, then how do you submit traffic challan online from mobile? I am going to give all the information about it now.
How to check traffic challan status online
You can check traffic challan in 3 ways:
1) entral Government official website
2) tate Government Official Website
3) ith the help of RTO application
1) Central Government Official Website :
You have to come to you should have any one of three things Challan Number, Vehicle number and DL number then you can check online.
2) State Government Official Website :
Challan Number, Vehicle Number and DL Number then you can check online.
3) With the help of RTO Application:
You can now download this application from Google Play Store and to check from RTO application, all you need is the vehicle number.
How to pay traffic challan online with mobile
- To fill the challan, you must have a mobile phone and you should have any of these three information such as Challan Number, Vehicle number and DL number, only then you can submit your challan. can pay.
- To pay the traffic challan, you have to visit the official website
- Challan Number, Vehicle number and DL number have to be entered any one of these numbers and by entering the captcha code, click on C Detail.
- Then you will be asked for vehicle registered mobile number.
- Then OTP will be sent to your registered mobile.
- Enter OTP and click on Next.
- Now you will be redirected to the payment mode.
- UPI app can make payment with ATM card.
- Of payment and you get in receiving, you have to keep it carefully.
How to Save Traffic echallan
Friends, whatever are the rules of traffic, you have to follow them, with this you cannot talk to the phone while riding a bike, if you are driving a car, then it is mandatory for you to wear one on the seat in the car. You cannot talk and you cannot ride a bike with headphones in your ear, if you follow all these rules, then you cannot be driven and cut off and you can easily avoid challan.
How to get owner detail from vehicle number
Friends, it is very easy for friends to know the owner from the vehicle number, for this you can check the central from their website or you can use the application of parties, in a very easy way, only you should know the number of that vehicle. Enter the number of the vehicle, the details of the owner of that vehicle will appear in front of you.
How to get loan detail from vehicle number
Friends, from the car number, you can know whether the vehicle you are taking second hand or if there is a loan on it or not, whatever you take on loan, how much is left for the people, you can check it with the vehicle number. For this you have to download third party application named RTO.
1) How to submit traffic challan?
Answer- By mobile phone you can go to and submit online from here with your challan number.
2) How to submit traffic challan from mobile?
Answer- Friends, if you want to submit traffic challan from mobile phone, then you can also check and submit it from RTO app and you can also submit it from this website. You can deposit from mobile phone.